Ella Enchanted
fairy touched my nose. ‘My gift is obedience. Ella will always be obedient. Now
stop crying, child.’ I stopped.” - Ella
Author: Gail Carson Levine
Publisher: Harper Collins
Copyright Date: 1997
Number of Pages: 232 pages
Reading Level: Grades 4-6, Grades 7-8
Genre: Modern Fantasy
Awards: Newbery Honor (1998), ALA Notable Children’s Book, Arizona Young Reader’s Award, Dorothy Canfield Fisher Children’s Book Award, Iowa Teen Award, Rebecca Caudill Young Readers’ Book Award, Publishers Weekly Best Book
Awards: Newbery Honor (1998), ALA Notable Children’s Book, Arizona Young Reader’s Award, Dorothy Canfield Fisher Children’s Book Award, Iowa Teen Award, Rebecca Caudill Young Readers’ Book Award, Publishers Weekly Best Book
Cost: $11.89 (Amazon)
Rating: ★★★★★
In Ella Enchanted, a fairy gave Ella the gift of obedience
as an infant. The fairy, Lucinda, thought this was a wonderful gift because it stopped Ella from crying as a baby, but, in reality, it was a curse that Ella was forced to live with. This curse forced Ella to do as others said - no matter who gave the order or what the order was. Being subject to this curse put Ella in danger several times, and she lost much. Throughout this book, you will see how she tries to fight against the curse, and how it defeats her at times, such as when people steal from her or when she comes across ogres and is ordered to stay there. There is a way for Ella to defeat the curse, but it must come from within her own strength. Will she be able to overcome the curse, or will she have to live with it forever?
Ella Enchanted is a book filled with magic, fairies, ogres, giants, humans, and so much more, but, at its core, it is another Cinderella story. This story could be used in the classroom while talking about classic fairy tales and how people have retold or rewrote the stories in their own ways over the years. Students could read Ella Enchanted, as well as other Cinderella stories, then compare and contrast the stories. After reading the stories, they could write their own story, then everyone in the class could compare their stories to those that they read.
This book could also be read by students individually, then have them do a literature circle where each student performs a different role, such as discussion director or illustrator, as they go through the book.
This book could also be read by students individually, then have them do a literature circle where each student performs a different role, such as discussion director or illustrator, as they go through the book.
Book Rating:
Image Source: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51D1IviZ-OL._SX315_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg
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Plot is well developed with all five elements of a good plot structure (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution).
Plot is developed, but lacking one of the five elements of plot structure.
This book has a decent plot, but is lacking two of the five elements of plot structure.
This book has a weak plot that is lacking three of the five elements of plot structure.
This book does not have a defined plot, and is lacking four or more of the five elements of plot structure.
I give Ella Enchanted five stars for its plot because it tells an intriguing story about Ella and the struggles she faces as a result of the curse of obedience that is placed upon her. This book uses all five elements of good plot structure to catch the readers' attention and tell the story.
The characters are well developed, have personality, and are believable.
Characters are well rounded, but lack in personality or they are not totally believable.
Characters are somewhat developed, and lack in personality or they are not totally believable.
The characters are underdeveloped, lack in depth and are not believable.
The characters are not developed so the readers cannot connect to the book.
I give Ella Enchanted five stars for its characters. The main character, Ella, as well as some of the other primary characters, such as Hattie, Mandy, and Char, are all well-developed and believable characters who each have unique personalities. |
The story flows freely and is not rushed or slow.
The story moves freely for the most part, but there are a few spots where it feels rushed or slow.
The story moves freely for about half of the book, but the other half is rushed or slow.
The story often moves too fast or too slow and does not move freely.
There is no pacing in the story, which makes it difficult to read.
I give Ella Enchanted five stars for pacing because the story has no parts that feel slow or rushed. The plot is engaging and freely carries the reader throughout the entire book.
Image Source: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51D1IviZ-OL._SX315_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg
I am happy to see that you rated the book so highly. As one of my favorite childhood stories, Ella Enchanted still holds a special place in a my heart. While the book is captivating and superbly well-written, I can now see the educational opportunities this book holds in the classroom. Conducting a literature circle with this book is a good choice since it is a relatively lengthy novel. Students can really approach the book in several ways and collaborate in an organized manner with a literature circle activity.